Continuous research monitoring improves the quality of research conduct and compliance among research trainees: internal evaluation of a monitoring programme PMC

It also provides a cloud Selenium grid for automated testing, which can be accelerated by 10X with parallel testing. The cloud also provides integrations with popular CI/CD tools such as Jira, Jenkins, TeamCity, Travis CI, and much more. Additionally, there are in-built debugging tools that let testers identify and resolve bugs immediately. By now, the article has revealed that Continuous Monitoring, though essential, is a time and resource-intensive process. The CM system will notify when errors occur in released software, which adds to QA and developers’ effort. After every product release, devs and QAs have to move on to other projects, which means that the error they are notified of adds to the strain of their daily operations.

cloud continuous monitoring

With continuous monitoring, DevOps teams can quickly respond to problems and keep application downtime to a minimum. These processes are automated using various continuous control monitoring software. Sumo Logic’s cloud-native platform is an ideal continuous monitoring solution for IT organizations that wish to enhance the security and operational performance of their cloud-based IT infrastructure and applications. Features like automated log aggregation, data analytics, and configurable alerts help IT SecOps teams automate key security monitoring processes, respond more quickly to security incidents and mitigate the risk of a costly data breach.

DevOps and Security Glossary Terms

Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) refers to a range of tools and processes designed to… Identity governance and administration (IGA), also called identity security, is a set of policies that allow firms to mitigate cyber risk and comply with… Single sign-on (SSO) and federated identity management (FIM) are two popular methods of identity management that are commonly used to simplify… Enterprise Password Management is a system or software designed to securely store, manage, and control access to…

Why is continuous monitoring necessary

Network segmentation (also known as network partitioning or network isolation) is the practice of dividing a computer network into multiple subnetworks in… Kubernetes governance refers to the policies and procedures for managing Kubernetes in an organization. Businesses operate in a data-driven world, handling data for different purposes. Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM, pronounced “kim”) is a category of specialized software-as-a-service solutions that automate the…

Being Proactive with Continuous Monitoring

Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC) is another access management strategy that focuses on authorization. Passwordless authentication is a verification method in which a user gains access to a network, application, or other system without a knowledge-based… NIST compliance broadly means adhering to the NIST security standards and best practices set forth by the government agency for the protection of data… Microsegmentation is a network security practice that creates secure zones within data center environments by segmenting application workloads into… A man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack is a cyber attack in which a threat actor puts themselves in the middle of two parties, typically a user and an…

Monitoring APIs can help developers see patterns in user behavior, identify areas that need optimization, and understand end-to-end user experience. For containerized microservice applications, typically orchestrated using Kubernetes, it is important to set alerts focusing on application performance and end-user experience. Instead of focusing on the performance of individual containers or microservice instances, it is more effective to emphasize performance and end-user experience at the level of the overall service. You can use a variety of tools for this purpose, but you’ll want to make sure they are capable of collecting data in real time, as well as collecting all data (instead of sampling).

Your business focus, functions, and goals will determine how you adopt continuous monitoring. Different industries would have to keep track of different components of their infrastructure. Limit your installation to your most critical business processes, especially those that include sensitive or proprietary data. The ultimate purpose of continuous monitoring is to give IT organizations with near-instant feedback and insight on network performance and interactions, which aids operational, security, and business performance.

Gastrointestinal issues, in particular, are accompanied by reduced bowels sounds, which could be used as an early warning sign of digestion issues, intestinal dysmotility and potential obstructions. So, as part of the pilot study in the NICU, the researchers used the devices to monitor these sounds. “It also offers immediate opportunities to address any sources of stressful or potentially compromising auditory stimuli.”

Continuous Monitoring

In third-party risk management, continuous monitoring gives your team a heads up on changes that could lead to delays, disruption, or fraudulent activity in your supply chain. Functionally, that could mean avoiding operational damage from risk events like data security incidents, environmental damage, financial insolvency and much more, on an ongoing basis. This is a great workforce development and research compliance activity, it would be highly instructional and important to advancing trainee research careers. Through the MUII-Plus programme monitoring, we have learnt the importance of inducting and training investigators and their teams on GCP/GCLP guidelines, the informed consent process, and protocols before the research activities begin. We urge that Universities and research institutes across Uganda and Africa prioritise these trainings to staff and students before allowing them to embark on any human research project. Institutional research ethics committees should enforce GCP/GCLP training as a requirement for project approval.

However, several key issues with the current manuscript need to be resolved. Overall, the majority of the investigators adhered to their research protocols and standard operating procedures, and data collected was accurate and complete. However, the compliance improved to 77% at the time of the SIV follow-up visit. There was an improvement of 92% and 100% during the second interim and final closeout visits, respectively (

Table 3

Why is continuous monitoring necessary


I also have some concerns over the simplicity of the analysis, which is very simple, and perhaps overly basic. Scoring was binary, with a point awarded for each item if a document or facility was present (zero if not). The presence of a point therefore does not necessarily indicate that the quality of that document or facility was adequate, or at least, the reader is not told that the scoring took into account quality.

  • Limit your installation to your most critical business processes, especially those that include sensitive or proprietary data.
  • By monitoring their systems and processes in real-time, businesses can identify areas where they can streamline operations and improve productivity.
  • Protocol adherence and source data verification requires that the investigator adheres to the approved protocols to ensure data generated and captured is accurate and complete.
  • Atatus provides a set of performance measurement tools to monitor and improve the performance of your frontend, backends, logs and infrastructure applications in real-time.
  • To be effective, those involved in the organizational governance process must take an enterprise wide view of where the organization has been, where it is and where it could and should be going.
  • “Lungs can make all sorts of sounds, including crackling, wheezing, rippling and howling,” Bharat said.

DevOps monitoring uses dashboards— often developed by your internal team—to… Log analysis is the practice of examining event logs in order to investigate bugs, security risks, or other issues. Identity as a Service (IDaaS) is an identity and access management (IAM) solution delivered in a cloud-based service that is hosted by a trusted third… In today’s fast-paced business world, technology and software development have become crucial for organizations to stay ahead of the competition. Active Directory (AD) is the proprietary directory service for Windows domain networks. Semantic monitoring (also called synthetic monitoring) runs the application’s automated tests against a live production system at regular intervals.

Why is continuous monitoring necessary

For these reasons, it’s time for health facilities to embrace new patient monitoring technologies to support them in caring for patients. Continuous patient monitors specifically allow health teams to track key patient vitals including heart rate, respiratory rate, and movement in real time, providing a complete picture of patient health. Continuous patient data also allows health practitioners to track baseline changes in individual patient care journeys, helping doctors and nurses better analyze and detect new opportunities for effective intervention. In fact, continuous monitoring has been proven to help reduce code blue events by 86%, patient falls by 47%, and hospital readmissions by 19%. Over the last decade, hundreds of health facilities have adopted continuous monitoring, yet many more could benefit greatly from this technology. This allows businesses to identify potential threats before they can cause significant damage.

Why is continuous monitoring necessary

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft that allows users to remotely… Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds a second layer of protection to your access points. Robotic process automation (RPA) is software that mimics human actions to automate digital tasks…. A privileged account is a user account with greater privileges than those of ordinary user accounts.

Nor can you implement it using a specific tool or by setting up a certain process. Here’s a look at what continuous monitoring means, how it works, why it’s beneficial and how to get started implementing continuous monitoring. Accompanying the NICU study, researchers tested the devices on adult patients, which included 35 adults with chronic lung diseases and 20 healthy controls. In all subjects, the devices captured the distribution of lung sounds and body motions at various locations simultaneously, enabling researchers to analyze a single breath across a range of regions throughout the lungs.